
Physical properties

Physical state @ 20°C: Solid
Color: Light pink to copper red. Weathered specimens: tarnished green [4]
Luster: Metallic [4]
Transparancy: Opaque [4]
Streak: Red [4]
Odor: Odorless [5]
Molecular weight (g/mol): 63.546 [2]
Melting point (°C): List of melting points 1083 [2]
Boiling point (°C): List of boiling points 2570 [2]
Density (g/cm3): Density list 8.95 (20 °C) [2]
Molar volume (cm3): 7.11 (20 °C) [3]
Elastic properties:
Young's modulus (GPa):
Rigidity modulus (GPa):
Bulk modulus (GPa):
Poisson ratio:

112-131 [3]
46-48 [3]
138 [3]
0.31-0.35 [3]
Mineral hardness:

2.5 [4]